Utilize social engineering tactics to make your developer team stronger and more productive than ever before. In this interview, Olivia Liddell from Amazon Web Services shows you how to use social engineering for good.

In this interview we're covering:

How to measure the strength of an engineering teamThe definition of social engineeringThe process of using social engineering to build your teamExamples of social engineering in a positive contextCommon mistakes when using social engineering in managementHow to use social engineering with a new teamPossible conflicts when using social engineering on your teamThe timeframe to successfully use social engineering

Excerpt from the interview:

"I used to work in higher education as a learning technologist with online courses for universities. I was on a team with 12 different program directors from areas like accounting and healthcare. I needed all program directors to give me information to get their courses up and running.

Some directors gave me what I needed right away, but I had to track others down and work hard to get them to give me what I needed. As you might imagine, this resulted in delays, and I had no idea why they'd make it hard for me.

Then I looked at it from the social engineering perspective. I started thinking about why these different directors would want to give me what I needed..."

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