If the aim is to see real change in Afghanistan, shouldn’t the Taliban be included in the conversation? 

In this first episode of What’s Unsaid, we speak to Afghan human rights defender Madina Mahbobi, who says it’s time for the international community to start listening to local voices like hers that are calling for increased engagement with the Taliban. Despite being roundly condemned after making this unpopular case on a recent UN panel, Mahbobi is adamant that people like her must not be deterred: “We should speak about things that are controversial but still a solution to the situation.” 

Guest: Madina Mahbobi, Afghan human rights defender, and founder of the women-led Vision Development Organization NGO in Afghanistan.

What’s Unsaid is a bi-weekly podcast that explores the open secrets and uncomfortable truths that surround the world’s conflicts and disasters, hosted by staff editors Irwin Loy and Ali Latifi.