Dan Mills turned his hobby of collecting commercial kitchen gadgets into Tinker Kitchen, a makerspace for community cooking. He joins us to talk about his inspiration for the space, why entrepreneurs need grit in the face of never-ending roadblocks, and how his very understanding girlfriend provided the (literal!) space he needed to succeed.
Links and Show Notes
Maker culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maker_culture)
CAD (Computer-aided Design) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-aided_design)
SketchUp (https://www.sketchup.com/)
R&D (Research and Development) (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/randd.asp)
ROI (Return on Investment) (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/returnoninvestment.asp)
Pared (https://www.pared.com/) —Making restaurant life easier
Liquid nitrogen (https://makezine.com/projects/liquid-nitrogen/)
Sous vide (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sous-vide)
Molecular Gastronomy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_gastronomy)
Stage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stage_%28cooking%29) —“An unpaid internship when a cook or chef works briefly, for free, in another chef's kitchen to learn and be exposed to new techniques and cuisines.”
Chez Panisse (https://www.chezpanisse.com/)
Opportunity cost (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/opportunitycost.asp)
Burnout (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/burnout)
Tinker Kitchen Kickstarter project (funded, 2018) (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/20846993/tinker-kitchen)
Microsoft Excel (https://products.office.com/en-us/excel)
SBA (https://www.sba.gov)—Small Business Association
SBDC (https://americassbdc.org)—America’s Small Business Development Centers
SEO (https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo)—Search Engine Optimization
Processed Food Registration (PFR) (https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CEH/DFDCS/Pages/FDBPrograms/FoodSafetyProgram/ProcessedFoodRegistration.aspx) —“Processors of general food commodities (e.g. baked goods, noodles, processed fresh vegetables, seafood, snack foods, dietary supplements, etc.) must obtain a Processed Food Registration (PFR) from FDB. A PFR certificate is a firm’s basic health permit. The PFR allows firms to manufacture products not specifically covered by another FDB license.”
We talk more about the PFR in episode 7 with Guilianna Glassman of Alma Superfoods (https://www.lettucewrappod.com/7) .
Ideating (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideation_(creative_process))
Combi-Oven (https://www.webstaurantstore.com/guide/628/types-of-combi-ovens.html)
Cataplana (Portuguese tomato chorizo stew) video recipe (http://how2heroes.com/videos/seafood/portuguese-cataplana)
Laziness, Impatience, Hubris: The Three Virtues of a Programmer (http://threevirtues.com)
Takeru Kobayashi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeru_Kobayashi)
Episode 8, The Ice Cream Atmosphere, with Lori Phillips of Rocko’s Ice Cream Tacos (https://www.lettucewrappod.com/8) where Lori answers our "take a bath in what food" Wrapid Fire question (@ 56:48).
Our thanks to Dan for joining us. You can find him at tinkerkitchen.org (https://tinkerkitchen.org), and follow him on Twitter (@tinkerkitch) (https://twitter.com/tinkerkitch) and Instagram (@tinkerkitch) (https://instagram.com/tinkerkitch/).
Thank you for listening. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram:
Lettuce Wrap: @lettucewrappod (https://twitter.com/lettucewrappod)
/ @lettucewrappod (https://instagram.com/lettucewrappod)
Christine Doerr: @christinedoerr (https://twitter.com/christinedoerr) / @neococoaconfections (https://www.instagram.com/neococoaconfections/)
Tammy Tan: @spicehound (http://twitter.com/spicehound) / @spicehound (https://www.instagram.com/spicehound/)
or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
That’s a wrap!
Amazon (https://amzn.to/2DBzg5j) and other links may be affiliates. Purchases help support the show. Special Guest: Dan Mills, Tinker Kitchen.

Dan Mills turned his hobby of collecting commercial kitchen gadgets into Tinker Kitchen, a makerspace for community cooking. He joins us to talk about his inspiration for the space, why entrepreneurs need grit in the face of never-ending roadblocks, and how his very understanding girlfriend provided the (literal!) space he needed to succeed.

Links and Show Notes

Maker culture
CAD (Computer-aided Design)
R&D (Research and Development)
ROI (Return on Investment)
Pared —Making restaurant life easier
Liquid nitrogen
Sous vide
Molecular Gastronomy
Stage —“An unpaid internship when a cook or chef works briefly, for free, in another chef's kitchen to learn and be exposed to new techniques and cuisines.”
Chez Panisse
Opportunity cost
Tinker Kitchen Kickstarter project (funded, 2018)
Microsoft Excel
SBA—Small Business Association
SBDC—America’s Small Business Development Centers
SEO—Search Engine Optimization
Processed Food Registration (PFR) —“Processors of general food commodities (e.g. baked goods, noodles, processed fresh vegetables, seafood, snack foods, dietary supplements, etc.) must obtain a Processed Food Registration (PFR) from FDB. A PFR certificate is a firm’s basic health permit. The PFR allows firms to manufacture products not specifically covered by another FDB license.”

We talk more about the PFR in episode 7 with Guilianna Glassman of Alma Superfoods .

Cataplana (Portuguese tomato chorizo stew) video recipe
Laziness, Impatience, Hubris: The Three Virtues of a Programmer
Takeru Kobayashi
Episode 8, The Ice Cream Atmosphere, with Lori Phillips of Rocko’s Ice Cream Tacos where Lori answers our "take a bath in what food" Wrapid Fire question (@ 56:48).

Our thanks to Dan for joining us. You can find him at tinkerkitchen.org, and follow him on Twitter (@tinkerkitch) and Instagram (@tinkerkitch).

Thank you for listening. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram:

Lettuce Wrap: @lettucewrappod
/ @lettucewrappod
Christine Doerr: @christinedoerr / @neococoaconfections
Tammy Tan: @spicehound / @spicehound

or email us at [email protected].

That’s a wrap!

Amazon and other links may be affiliates. Purchases help support the show.

Special Guest: Dan Mills, Tinker Kitchen.

Twitter Mentions