Next Episode: Mail Bag #11

Recently, my friend Ryan de la Garza (@ofthegarza), received a letter from a couple asking to buy his house. In this mail bag We’re going to explore that letter, I’m going to write a letter back, and I’m going to learn from their tactics to get what I want out of life. I’m also going to send a fun fact to Marco Rubio.

And of course a super big thanks to Ryan for letting me use this letter. Ryan has a great nationally touring comedy show based in Omaha, Nebraska called You Had to Be There, where comedians talk to people on Chat Roulette and Omegle. I’ve done the show, it’s a really funny great time, and you can watch entire shows online. The Twitter handle is @Had2BeThereShow and the two is the number 2. Ryan’s Twitter handle is @ofthegarza.

If you’d like me to write you a letter, click on “Request A Letter.” But fair warning: I will stalk your social media, and I will read the letter on the podcast. If you write back to me, I might read that on the podcast, too.

Letter Talk’s address is 822 Guilford Avenue #187, Baltimore, MD 21202. Don't worry, I'll never share your address, unless you want me to. I’m not sure why you would, but I’ll shout it on top of a mountain if that’s what you want. If you like what you heard, give Letter Talk a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts or share the show with a friend.

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Letter Talk is a comedy podcast hosted by me, Alyssa, where I write letters to YOU...and various businesses and other people/places/things. Even if I don't know you, I'll write you a heartfelt letter and send it to you in the mail (if you're not creeped out by me having your address). 

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