It’s insane what you can come up with with mix and Mary Jane and a couple of coronas three brothers reconnect on some insane topics that just take us in all different directions with crazy point of use and different standpoints everyone gives it their best and they’re all and given insanely vivid perspectives on all topics that we just jumble together and felt like she had some light shit on him this is a judgment free zone all gloves off so you hear these guys say some crazy stuff also on this episode we leaks some classified information from a maybe kind sorta who knows Government official but you guys get to have some insight on what area 51 has to offer maybe it’s a joke maybe it’s fax but you guys are gonna have to tune in for this one I promise you it’s going to be filled with gut busters and just some topics that I’m sure you would want to hear about let us know what you think in this first episode of SYPHER SUM