Are you utilizing your brain to its fullest potential to live your ideal life? Could you use some guidance to accomplish this objective? Speaker, teacher, writer, and researcher Liam Naden helps you understand the process for creating true success in your life by understanding how to use your brain the right way - overcoming your problems, achieving your goals and ending frustrations. He is the host of the podcast: "Using Your Brain for Success", author of "Re-Balancing Your Brain for Success" and creator of Neuro-State Rebalancing (NSR), a process which automatically gets your brain working the right way to bring you the life you want. Liam is also an experienced marriage and relationships coach, host of the "Growing in Love for Life" podcast, author of 20 books and creator of 4 relationships coaching programs. He joined me this week to tell me more.

LinkedIn: @ LiamNaden

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