I wanted to briefly talk to you about
the autonomy of choice and its role in our lives, even during our most
vulnerable times. It provides us with a sense of dignity, identity, and
self-worth. To assist us in the most challenging of times.

According to the National Institute of
Health, Initial reactions to trauma can include exhaustion, confusion, sadness,
anxiety, agitation, numbness, dissociation, confusion, physical arousal, and
blunted affect.

Most responses are typical because they
affect most survivors and are socially acceptable, psychologically compelling,
and self-limited.

For the last 18 years, Peak Performance
Coach and Life Strategist Jessie Torres has coached thousands of
High-Performance People from all walks of life and various parts of the world
who have achieved success and the highest level of fulfillment. Out of the top
120 coaches on the planet, Jessie ranked either number 1 or number 3 in every
measurable category while working with the leading coaching company in the
world. Jessie is fueled by a passionate love for humanity and a burning desire
to end suffering. She is driven to discover the truth of the client’s most
profound potential and unlock the limitless opportunities that leave others in
the dark ages!

 Bringing all levels of mindset, emotional
intelligence, energy, and strategy with an authentic, client-driven approach.
Jessie’s teachings will help you transform your life from pain or trauma into
purpose and passion, which Jessie calls “Fierce Grace.” My journey has been one
of Sexual abuse by my father, the loss of a brother to murder, and an 18-year
marriage of mental, emotional & verbal abuse that left me completely numb,
emotionless, and spiritually dead.

As someone who has lived with fear every
day, I was driven to discover the truth of the reason I had experienced this
and how I had allowed it. I have created a life of facing challenges over and
over again. If it scared me, I put myself on the front lines because I feared
everything. In my marriage, I was so kept and controlled that I didn’t even
know how to drive out of the city I was living in. I was terrified to do things
on my own. My ex ran from everything and turned me financially upside down. I was
in massive survival; however, from that survival, I had no other choice than to
make things happen and take care of my kids, and with a Fierce desire, I built
a muscle of knowing and understanding that the limitation in our lives is only
the “belief” that there is one.

She joined me this week to tell me more.

 For more information: https://unshakeablelife.com/

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