On the day Karen Warner Schueler became a sudden caregiver, she was living a full life as a wife, a mom, a consultant and business owner, a coach, a runner, a friend, and a consumer of too much Starbucks coffee. She was not a caregiver. Until she was. On that day when her late husband was diagnosed, out of the blue, with stage IV cancer, Karen had no idea that she had instantly joined a silent army of informal, unpaid family caregivers around the world who had also been pressed into sudden service. She felt completely at sea with the realities of caregiving. She is the author of her new book, The Sudden Caregiver, a practical and proven guide, a roadmap, and a comfort source for anyone caring for a loved one, especially those for whom the role was unexpected. She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://www.thesuddencaregiver.com/

Instagram: @Thesuddencaregiver

Buy the Book: https://www.amazon.com/Sudden-Caregiver-Roadmap-Resilient-Caregiving-ebook/dp/B08VQSP3XL

Facebook: @suddencaregiver