The Journal of Clinical Nutrition has compiled data from a
registry of volunteers, and here are some of their findings. After one year,
35% of people regain at least 5 lbs. 59% maintained their weight. Only 6% continued to lose weight.


Lizzie Merritt is a Martha Beck Certified
Wayfinder Life Coach and professional weight loss coach specializing in helping
people figure out why they don’t do the things they think they *should* do to
lose weight and feel happy.

Her philosophy on weight loss is:

1) Diets are just the worst.

2) The only way to lose weight is imperfectly.

3) Weight loss is much more about what’s between your ears than what’s on
your plate.

“I wrote a book called You Are a Miracle to
teach people about all the things that diets don’t tell you. Things like why we
self sabotage. What to do when your motivation in the dumps. How shame and
guilt perpetuate slips up (I call it the Shame Spiral of Doom.) And other
things like how to make failure your friend, how to handle weekends or travel
or holidays.

But more than that, it's time for folks to stop waiting to lose weight in
order to participate in life. Everyone in my view, is a genuine miracle. A
piece of the Divine. Too many people walk around only seeing what's wrong with
themselves and their bodies rather than proactively looking for the million
things that are right about them.

I want to empower your peeps to feel like maybe it's not their fault if
they've struggle with weight loss in the past. They're not broken. And the can
love themselves WHILE they lose weight rather than waiting for WHEN they lose

 if you are tired of the same old
tired advice on weight loss and looking for some real talk on weight loss,
loving your body, and shining your light NOW, then we should talk.

One person described listening to me like "chatting at my kitchen
table with my most non-judgmental, compassionate, and smartest friend." She
joined me this week to tell me more.


For more Information:

Get The Book:
