The intuitive side of Business with Terry WildemannIntuitive business thinking can be classified as using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. For Terry Wildemann:

She’s called the "Intuitive Truth Detective." Why? Because her clients hire her to help them discover the source behind their self-sabotaging success blocks in business and life. “With my guidance I help them to navigate the path towards reigniting and aligning their business, career and personal lives to create the success they seek.

I created Intuitive Leadership® U, to provide personal and professional development programs for entrepreneurial leaders to evolve into unstoppable, prosperous, intuitive entrepreneurial leaders.  Students focus on positively integrating the practical, personal and spiritual sides of their business.”

Her business experience includes owning a manufacturing company, image consulting company, leadership and holistic education center.

As an so-author she’s published in 7 books and have two solo books. The  latest is the best-selling book “The Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Leader.”  She joined me this week to tell me more.

Facebook: @Intuitive Leadership

For more information:

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn @Terry(CEC,CPCC)Wildemann