Music, as a cultural pastime, often aids in the promotion and
protection of other human rights and emotions. It can be the driving force  in the healing process, dismantling walls and
boundaries, reconciliation, and education. Around the world, music is being
used as a vehicle for social change and bringing communities together.  Casey Cavaliere knows all about the
connective tissue and bonding agent music can be.  His creative work ethic has been sculpted by
a career spanning over two decades with his band The Wonder Years, including
multiple Billboard chart-topping releases, extensive global touring, and the
mentorship of music industry heavyweights. This wealth of experience has
galvanized his creative philosophy around trust, authenticity, experimentation,
and self-discovery. His dedication to these ideals has cultivated insights that
he draws upon at every stage of the creative process - helping you to discover
and refine your artistic voice, and creating strategies to help you grow and
amplify your music career. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

Instagram: @case_rock