Choosing to have a victorious mindset in life is a personal
choice we all have to make.  To be aware
of the version of our lives which define our most vigorous level of success.
The great thing about life is such a definition is different for all of us.  The direction we choose to take it is ours to
discover.   Because you see, maximizing
your fullest level of potential starts by optimizing your thinking.  Free of any stress and developing a sense of psychological
safety which allows you to thrive.  For
Mindfulness Coach Nicholas Cassius Clay, he coaches and teaches mindfulness to help
professionals unlock their full potential. Most clients experience an increase
in confidence, mental clarity, and self-expression after a few sessions working
with him.

Before starting Being One World, Nicholas worked
in finance. He learned quickly that many people resisted investing because of
their fear of the market. He realized that to help people through their fear he
had to understand it clearer. This led Nicholas to begin studying deeply how
humans work. After studying different schools of thought and completing intense
courses in personal development Nicholas discovered mindfulness and its immense
benefit for himself. He also realized that many people struggled to grasp the
dense information and concepts that went along with it. This led Nicholas to
begin developing a way of teaching and coaching mindfulness so that people
could grasp it. His focus was to unpack dense and complex information into
simple and digestible bites for everyday professionals to apply.

Outside of coaching Nicholas enjoys playing a
variety of sports and deep conversations with close friends. 

Being one world is about the teaching and coaching
of mindfulness and the power we are capable of when directed towards
enlightenment (We) rather than shame (I). We expose the limitation of
negativity and the functions of survival while teaching the power of awareness
by understanding deeply how the human mind operates. He joined me this
week to tell me more.



For more information:

LinkedIn: @NicholasCassiusClay
