A diversified set of talents, experiences, and expertise can
lead to business diversification and a broader audience reach. Your passion and
purpose often determine the direction your life takes, and if you believe in
this notion, then sustained success is within reach. Meet Jeremy Ryan, a former
professional surfer who turned entrepreneur. He was born in Venice, California,
and moved to Ventura when he was ten years old. It was in Ventura County,
located close to the beach and some of the best waves in California, where he
began to surf. At nineteen, he won a national surf title, which initiated his
professional surfing career. He had the opportunity to travel all over the
world, surfing in some of the most beautiful locations and competing in the
World Surf League.


As he grew older, he realized that he couldn't be a
professional surfer indefinitely and needed a plan B. However, working a
traditional 9-5 job didn't appeal to him. He was searching for a profession
that would give him an outlet for his creativity. So, he went back to school
and studied web and graphic design with the goal of starting his own design
agency. After starting his design business, he also created a clothing company,
Ruett, with a close friend. Both professions have provided an avenue for his creativity
while giving him the flexibility to continue surfing and competing. However,
his true passion has always been surfing. Spending time in the water is a form
of meditation for him, which provides immense joy and solace in his life.


He wanted to provide that same experience to others, so he
started teaching surf lessons in 2019. His surf school, SPF Surf, has taken
off, with students as young as five years old and professional surfers
competing on the world or local stage. He has created a fulfilling life for
himself, where he is busy with his design business, Subtide, his clothing line,
Ruett, and his surf school, SPF Surf. All three businesses tap into different
parts of who he is and have given him the flexibility to work on his own hours
and be his own boss. This week, he joined me to tell me more. For more
information, please visit https://jeremyryanlife.com/ or follow him on
Instagram at @jeremyryan__.