What if I honestly told you, you could experience a transformational shift in your life?  However, the only part of the bargain you have to commit to is making Subtle Shifts for Mind, Body, and Home. That’s right you have the power and the tools in your toolbox to live the life you want to live and deserve. According to Life Coach and Award-Winning Author Colleen Avis who has spent the last decade guiding clients to create spaces they love to live in - mind, body, and home. She embraces the whole person and believes all our spaces are beautifully intertwined. Her approach is holistic, unique, non-judgmental and offers an informed perspective. Colleen knows her most powerful tools are the ones she has integrated into her life over the last decade by transforming through her own experiences and openly bringing her life lessons, struggles, and transformative tools to her clients.

"My mission is to co-create guide and support others in realizing they are their own best healers and have the ability and wisdom within themselves to live the life they desire (and deserve!). I believe (no I know) the most subtle shifts create the greatest impacts in our lives.  And that getting started with one subtle shift is the most important step!

The spaces we live in - mind, body, home, and soul - are beautifully intertwined. When we make a subtle shift in one areas we can and do affect all areas of our life. Being aware of this can be powerful and transformational."

In addition to her Chopra certifications, Colleen is a Yoga Medicine yoga teacher, integrative NLP practitioner, and studying to complete her SOMA Breathe holistic health coach certification.   She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://subtle-shifts.com/

LinkedIn: @ColleenAvis

Email: [email protected]

Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Spaces-Subtle-Shifts-Transformation/dp/1954047428