According to research by
Development Academy, a staggering 82% of
people don't use any time management system. Bear in mind that a simple to-do or a to-don't list is not
a proper system due to the lack of complexity and prioritization of tasks.
Still, 33% reported relying on simple to-do lists to manage their work.

Jay Aigner, is the  CEO of JDAQA a software testing agency with
around $2M ARR. Father of 5, student pilot, and amateur Astro photographer. My
5 for 5 (5 am wakeup, workout, stretch, madidate, and journal) has been
something friends, family members, and fans of my podcast have keyed on as
something they really appreciate.

I also host a
podcast called The First Customer where I interview successful founders about
how they got their first customer.

He had his first kid at 19, in college, 1000
miles from home. I graduated, got a job in my dream industry and worked the 9-5
grind for years.

Eventually a new
challenge presented itself ... get my wife out of working as an overnight
long-term pediatric nurse. I applied for Uber and was turned down (my license
was from another state than I currently lived). Luckily I stumbled across
Upwork ( at the time) and applied for consulting gigs.

Fast-forward a few
years later, I've grown my company from a one man software testing consultancy
based on my 9-5 experience to a 7-figure testing agency powerhouse with 60+
employees. I'm a father of 5, amateur Astro photographer, student pilot, hockey
player, and podcast host.

My 5 for 5 (5am
wakeup, workout, full body stretch, mediation, and journaling) is my foundation
for kicking ass.

He is someone who
went from 9-5, to consulting to the freedom of running my own business. My
family is also currently being featured in a documentary about time management
and how successful people spend it. He joined me this week to tell me

For more information:

LinkedIn: @JayAigner
