A study conducted by Wealth-X indicates that 68% of individuals with a net worth of $30 million or more earned their wealth through their own efforts. Similarly, a separate study conducted by Fidelity Investments found that 88% of all millionaires are self-made, meaning they did not inherit their wealth.

Meet Jason Roberts, a charismatic National Speaker and Peak Performance Coach whose life's work involves studying success formulas and implementing habits to achieve remarkable results in a short time. Despite growing up in a broken household and dropping out of college, Jason has successfully established 11 of his own companies, 10 of which generated over $1 million in revenue within their first year of operation. His personal businesses have generated over $100 million in revenue, and he has helped tens of thousands of people grow and scale their businesses in various sectors, including real estate investing, medical practices, insurance, construction companies, and medical spas.

Jason opened his first company, a mortgage firm, in the spare bedroom of his condo when he was only 21 years old. Within a few years, he grew it into the number one rural housing lender in the state, employing close to 100 individuals and eventually creating an eight-figure business. However, when the real estate bubble burst in 2008, Jason lost everything and had to file for bankruptcy. Through sheer determination and mindset, he was able to reinvent himself and attain millionaire status again within just 12 months.

Jason Roberts is a world-class business and mindset coach whose expertise lies in scaling any business to seven and eight figures within the first year. He has positively impacted and spoken in front of over 20,000 people all over the country. He coaches and consults clients from California to Baltimore on how to develop the correct mindset and fundamental habits to grow and scale their businesses. Jason has successfully hosted hundreds of live and virtual events and facilitated masterminds where some of the most brilliant leaders in the industries collaborate to identify market trends and forecasts. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge of business and the inner workings of the mind with audiences worldwide. Jason believes that anyone who is willing to believe in themselves and invest in their potential can achieve extraordinary success. For more information, please visit Find out more: https://ultimatesuccessblueprint.com/home