Injecting the confidence of hope into the framework of your
life means on some level you believe in the wisdom of the message you have to
share.  To help others redefine their
version of perseverance, guidance, and  inner
strength.  Being joyful means your
unwilling to compromise on your happiness and you shouldn’t.  No one knows more about life fulfillment  than Charlsey Childers “As a Self Worth and
Confidence Coach, I stand behind big dreamers, helping them navigate through
doubts, inadequacies, and upper limits that naturally arise for high-achievers,
so they can reach their next levels of success and impact in the most aligned,
satisfied, and fulfilled way.

I kept going,
trying to push forward - waking up to a good life I was thankful for while also
having dreams that didn't seem within reach.

"Why can't I
just accept the life I already have?"

"Who do I
think I am to accomplish that?"

"I'm just not
good enough, that must be why I'm failing."

"Why aren't I
satisfied with this life?!"

"What's wrong
with me?!"

I was in the same
place that many big dreamers find themselves in... for years. Beating myself
up, doubting if I was worth it, constantly questioning myself, using perceived
failures to back up the judgements I made of myself, and constantly battling
deeply-rooted feelings of rejection.

The lack of
satisfaction deep inside left me wanting more and having no idea how to get

Especially when my
mind constantly reminded me of my inadequacy, my low worth, and my lack.

In 2017, something
changed. I was tired of pretending and struggling in silence. I couldn't keep
my desire for more inside any longer. The resistance I felt inside was so
strong. I knew something had to change or else I was afraid I would live in
regret for the rest of my life.


I am also
the host of the Seeing Your Inner Brilliance podcast... the podcast that does
just that - helping big dreamers truly see themselves for who they are rather
than who life has told and shaped them to be.”   She joined me this week to tell me more.



Instagram: @charlsey_childers