According to the newly released report, more than half (59%) of American workers are experiencing at least moderate levels of burnout, a notable increase over 2021 (52%) and on par with the levels reported in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the 2022-2023 Aflac WorkForces Report. For LJ  Sarkodee. I’m a former corporate sales executive and sales recruiter turned freelance and now founder of Sales Closers, a remote sales closing agency.

Together, my team has sold in excess of $30million and have been the virtual sales team behind multiple 6+ figure campaigns.

Our model is unique - we partner with exceptional entrepreneurs and run all of their sales calls FOR them.

My team and I find world-class closers and we train them on how to be even better, whilst working remotely with clients around the globe.

I’ve worked with many companies - both large and small - and helped them grow by running their sales operation.

Earlier in my career, I remember waking up and drinking my coffee while a new sales closer … my very FIRST hire … was taking the sales calls I used to do for hours everyday.

I remembered the pain of spending hours each day on the phone because I was terrified of letting my calls go…what if I outsourced my sales calls and the sales agent didn’t know my ideal client or couldn’t answer their questions?

My sales revenue would tank!

But I was so exhausted, it was hard not to just flop on the sofa and go to sleep after a long day of sales.

When you have a family though, you can’t just do that.

When I spent time with my family, all I could think about was going to sleep because I had to rest to do it all again the next day.

It made it hard to really enjoy my time with them … there was so much quality time that they deserved and didn’t get.

And I feel so much shame admitting this as a mom, but I began to resent how much of my time my family needed. became an endless cycle of “work, work, work” during the day … and in the evening, all I could think about is how I need to prepare for more work the next day.

Now, don’t get me wrong - I LOVE sales calls, and I’m skilled at turning calls into closes … but when you do sales calls every day, you get exhausted. She joined me this week to tell me more.

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