How many people in Canada believe they eat healthy or practice good nutritional habits? According to a new poll Canadians think their eating habits are good. In fact, almost three-in-four (73%) Canadians says they eat a well balanced and healthy diet or mainly healthy food with some gaps. One-in-five (22%) claim to eat less healthy diets, although only a small minority (4%) say that they do not usually eat well.

Neil Burchill is extremely knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate when it comes to nutrition and lifestyle.

He’s seen firsthand the positive impact it has on peoples lives.

Neil draws from his over 20+ years of experience as a nutritional consultant, personal trainer and business owner, soldier in the Canadian Navy and full-time firefighter. Neil mentors from a foundation of experience and empathy, having spent his entire life managing his own issues regarding Nutrition and Lifestyle.

These include an eating disorder, speech impediment and body image dysmorphia. He now helps his clients through daily interaction, mindset work and nutritional awareness to make realistic and effective nutrition and lifestyle changes yielding sustainable results. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

Facebook: @insightnutritionlifestyle