Inclusivity in the workplace can act as a real stimulant and incentive to increase workplace diversification and providing organizations with a true competitive advantage. According to the Government of Canada, we still have plenty of work to do, when it comes to the full integration and inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the workforce. According to the government’s recent study between 36-59% of individuals with disabilities are unemployed. Compared to 68 to 79% of individuals without a disability who are employed.

Mike Thomson is a Partner | Recruiter for Spark Recruiting. He’s  on a mission to change the way organizations hire! “When I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey at the end of 2021 it was driven by a desire to level the playing field for all employers and employees.  Far too often in my thirteen years in the recruitment industry I heard empty statements made by organizations that claim their people are their biggest asset only to see those same organizations dedicate far more resources to the acquisition of new customers as opposed to the attraction of top talent. Can you imagine if how we marketed products or services was still exclusively with flyers and coupons in the mail?  Yeah....that’s recruiting, as most still think job descriptions are awesome!  Not us though, Spark is aimed at fixing this problem.. we operate at the intersection of marketing and recruiting with the foundational philosophy that it is more important WHO you are working for then the company you are working at. The future of recruiting is in content, and if I am only competing with job descriptions and generic "here we grow again" claims. I like our chances.” He joined me this week, to tell me more.

For more information:
LinkedIn: @MikeThomson
LinkedIn:  @SparkRecruiting