Four and 10  Americans   43% percent of adults say they eat to manage stress and   38% percent of adults say they have overeaten or eaten unhealthy foods in the past month because of stress. Half of these adults (49 percent) report engaging in these behaviors weekly or more.  According to the American Psychological Association.  Have you ever asked yourself "What's wrong with me?!" or felt so discouraged and disgusted that you wished you could switch bodies with somebody else? I certainly have! I'm Michele Vilseck, a group fitness instructor, motivational speaker, coach, and professional brain organizer.   And, after struggling with major digestive issues that had me down to eating only 5 foods (talk about restrictive) ...and overeating for 15 plus years with no hope of "recovery"... I finally dug my way out! After 20 years of figuring, it out on my own, I've boiled down the best healing and brain-training techniques into a 4-part system I use to help my clients lose a consistent 2lbs per week, and END the struggle with food, for good.  She joined me this week to tell me more.

 For more information:

Email:  [email protected] 

Instagram: @michelevilseck

 Facebook: @michelevcoaching 

LinkedIn: @MicheleVilseck