According to a recent survey conducted by Standard &
Poor's, only 57% of U.S. adults are financially literate. This was measured by those exhibiting knowledge across the
following four basic financial concepts: risk diversification, numeracy,
inflation, and compound interest.  
Meanwhile according to CNBC 73% of Americans don’t regularly follow a
budget to manage their money.  Luke Tatum
is the “Bestselling author of Between the Lies: How to Reclaim Your Future from
the Banks and Wall Street.”  

” I help people escape the "rat race" by showing
them they can become their own banker. My company, Perfect Spiral Capital, is a
purely unconventional financial firm. My book, Between the Lies, directly
attacks the financial wisdom you hear repeated by virtually every financial
office from coast to coast. I live with my wife and son in the beautiful
mountains of northern Arkansas. As homesteaders and homeschoolers, we place
great value on community, individual liberty, and self-reliance.” He joined me
this week to tell me more.




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