Just 22% of people approaching retirement age said they'll have enough money to maintain a
comfortable standard of living, according to the 2022 Schroders US Retirement
Survey, down from 26% a year ago.


Costa retired at 40 while traveling the world; he’s now dedicated to helping
others improve their lives one day at a time. 
“I am the founder and Head of Education for DailyBetter.org, which
provides free education in the form of daily email courses. Back in 2010 I was
$6,000 in debt, working two jobs, and at my wits end. That's when my wife and I
hit the road. In 2021—after 11 years and 30+ different countries—we both
retired at the age of 40. What we learned is that most money advice is
outdated. You can travel the world NOW (rather than wait until retirement) and
live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. You can also retire far sooner
than most people just by understanding the rules of the game and be willing to
think (and live) unconventionally.”


I've advised over 140 companies—and
grown every single one that implemented my ideas.

A few of my "wins" include:

 - Producing $1.3 million in annual revenue for an energy
company (which was only in one state— that result is worth much, much more when
they roll it out nationwide)

 - Generating over $3 million in additional revenue for an
education company

 - Creating over $10 million in additional annual revenue for
a weight-loss company

 - Doubling the revenue for an app that helps real estate
agents get more leads

In addition, I’ve written copy for billion-dollar companies,
and published over 100 articles on conversion and marketing for sites like
Business Insider and Aweber. He joined me this week to tell me more.


For more information: https://dailybetter.org/

Get the Book: https://dailybetter.org/book/