America is intrinsically divided and broken. The soul of America appears to be lost and devoid of leadership. It is hardly a political opinion to suggest at this point, the messaging from the White House has been at best inadequate and at worst a clear dereliction of duty. We’ve gone from the virus being a Democratic hoax and “the 15 (cases) within a couple of days, is going to be down to close to zero" to a few days later a national emergency being declared to being told we should be largely through the crisis by Easter. What kind of coverage of that kind of back and forth is fair? Or unfair? Racial tensions are also stoked again thanks to the untimely death of George Floyd. Which brought to surface the work which still needs to be done to bridge the gap of racial division in the country. How will all these issues play in an election year? How do we heal a broken nation? This was the, genesis of my discussion with Mary C. Curtis. A 2006 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, nationally syndicated columnist/commentator Published in The Washington Post, The Root, The Grio, and NPR commentator. Hear her views on how we can promote more unity and kinship.   Be sure to keep up with the latest content produced by Mary C. Curtis by visiting: •  (Personal Website) •  (Blog) You can also find her on twitter @mcurtisnc3