The federal graduation rate, however, remains the only measure to compare student-athletes with the general student body. Using this measure, student-athletes graduate at the same rate as the student body: 69%. Both college athletes and their peers in the student body increased by 1 point in the past year according to the NCAA. When you’re in the middle or end of your educational journey would you be confident, you’ll make smart and practical life decisions? Do you think you could use some assistance in this area? If so, Eric Daddario is here to help. He’s a youth motivational speaker.  “I help students and athletes make better decisions to live more fulfilling lives.” Through stories and examples, my presentations engage and resonate with students and student-athletes, as I show them how they can immediately change the course of their own lives and the lives of others.

My presentations are based on real-life experiences, including having witnessed a younger brother make poor decisions that ultimately led to him dying of a drug overdose and people turning their lives around through positive choices. The presentations  have a beneficial effect on the youth who experience them — showing them how the decisions they make every day can have long-term consequences on their lives. He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

LinkedIn: @EricDaddario

Twitter: @ericdaddario16

Facebook: @EricDaddario

Instagram: @ericdaddario