In addition to their concerns about low and declining levels
of trust in government, many Americans are anxious about the level of
confidence citizens have in each other. Fully 71% think interpersonal
confidence has worsened in the past 20 years. And about half (49%) think a
major weight dragging down such trust is that Americans are not as reliable as
they used to be, The Pew Research Center reports. For Dr. Carolyn D. Mack: “My
mission is to empower midlife professional women navigating life transitions to
reimagine their purpose to have a life not a living.”   I realized that going the traditional career
route and expecting people to recognize my hard work and get promoted was not
working for me. The more education I pursued to break into the arena where I
could thrive, did not have the catapulting effect that I was led to believe
would occur. Experiencing the pandemic forced me to view my life from an
intersectional viewpoint and make a different decision. That has changed my

I was born in Philadelphia PA and raised in South
Carolina, where I completed high school and attended the University of South
Carolina at the flagship campus in Columbia, SC. I began my work career in the
retail and customer service industries during college. I began my retail life
working at Majik Market, a convenience store two blocks from her campus dorm
room. I then moved on to work in sporting goods until graduation. Upon
graduation, my foray into higher education began, encompassing over half of my
job life.

I got into coaching because I wanted to become a talking
head. I love to teach and help others. I began coaching parents in navigating
high school and college athletic opportunities and scholarships for their
children. I coached youth track and field and became a USATF Level 1 Track
Coach. I coached in areas where I had experience and found success.

After completing my doctorate in business in 2019, I felt
compelled to start my business. I had always wanted to be a life coach and
support women's life journeys. But I also wanted to support micro-business
owners in having a business that utilized technology in a way that was
supportive of business growth. Little did I know that a pandemic would force
the issue in a very real way. In my own naivete, I was surprised that business
owners were not as open to the prospect as I thought they would be. From there,
I struggled to find the place that best suited my talents and abilities that
would serve others.

Between 2019 and today, I struggled a lot trying to build
a business, get over my personal fears and grow. I began to trust myself enough
to do what I needed for me first and to understand that it all begins inside. I
am learning that lesson using the gift of daily acknowledgment.

The value I bring to the conversation experiential and
well-researched perspective on what the midlife years, acknowledgment, life
transitions, and purpose and our stories create when approached with a clear
vision and determination. She joined me this week to tell me more.


Follow: @CarolynMcKineyMack

Email: [email protected]  


LinkedIn: @Dr.CarolynD.Mack