Every year, worldwide, alcohol is the cause of 5.3% of deaths (or 1 in every 20). About 300 million people throughout the world have an alcohol use disorder, according to the Addiction Center.

For Magdalena Gustafsson “How I went from an insecure binge drinking mum, Stuck in addiction and in an abusive relationship. Insecure, full of fear and stuck with excuses and anxiety. I had Dreams but no action or clarity of what I actually wanted,

To a confident, happy sober, driven, in control of my emotions, complete clarity of my goals, free from everything that was holding me back, I created and now living a life I love.


Over 2 years ago, I got sober and was the loneliest I've ever been, stuck in a relationship with a Narcissist. Ones broken up I hit rock bottom, I was a complete mess, lost myself. I knew I had 2 options, be a victim and dig a hole, or do deep self work and become a survivor. I've always been interested in life coaching, yet it was first now I made the decision to become one. I wanted to become the person that I would've needed to be there and help me. A " GO TO" person for people Struggling in sobriety and LONELINESS, I wanted to become someone that could help lonely people create the best strongest version of themself, I wanted to become the best me. I read everything there was to read about sobriety, I studied coaching, I got a coach, I got a psychologist, I did spiritual work, I started going to church, I listened to podcasts, I did the 12 steps, I learnt everything there was to learn about addiction, depression, trauma, emotions, anxiety, sobriety and Narcissists to heal myself from what I've been trough. I did not want to be a victim!

In order to help others we need to first heal and learn to love ourselves.

I've now put together a program  as a sobriety life coach, with the best bits and pieces that helped me, that got me in to action, that helped me take control of my life and become the best me. it's basically a shortcut, just to make it as simple as possible for you. She joined me this week to tell me more.

Instagram: @the.happy.sobriety.coach/  

Follow @MagdalenaGustafsson 

Facebook: @TheHappySobrietyGroup