Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates have tripled in the U.S., and today, the country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world: one out of six children are obese, and one out of three children is overweight or obese.  According to the University of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Medicine. For Sheila Carroll: “In 20 years of clinical medicine, I took care of a lot of very sick children.  But to an even greater extent, I saw kids with lifestyle induced problems.  Poor sleep, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy weight and frequently a lot of depression and anxiety were keeping these kids from living in their best health.

A child cannot be expected to change their lifestyle habits by themselves.  Children need their parent's and caregiver's help.  And parents need help figuring out first, exactly what to do and then, how to do it.  

This is what I help parents do.  I help parents know exactly what to do to improve their child's health and I teach them the tools and skills they need to fully support their child and themselves along their journeys to better health.  

As a Pediatrician and a Certified Life and Weight Coach, I help children by empowering their parents to be the parents they truly want to be.” She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://www.sheilacarrollmd.com/

Email: [email protected]