It's essential to know the comprehensive number of online retailers globally or in the US to better understand your total addressable market. In short, there are currently 9.1 million Online Retailers in the world and 2.5 Million of them are in the United States. According to

Veronica Romney is the founder of the Dream Team Architect helping online entrepreneurs dial in their human resources,

develop phenomenal company cultures, and profitable bottom lines. She’s a former Speaker and Trainer for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi and the former Chief of Staff of mega-brand BossBabe. She’s no stranger to the stage and has been in the online marketing world for over 13 years, having been featured in places like Forbes, Inc, Huffpost, and more. When she’s not helping her visionary clients scale to 8-figures plus, you can find her wrangling her two-man cubs in the beautiful oak trees of North Carolina. She joined me this week to tell me more.

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Follow: @vromney