Do You Wonder What Healthy Relationships Look Like? If we don't see them that often, that may be because they are pretty rare. According to Psychology Today researchers estimate that only 10% of marriages in the US are highly healthy and happy. Meanwhile, the Toronto Star reports When some men are upset and in a dispute with another, they believe that they’re doing the other a favour by suppressing, being inauthentic, and pretending that they’re fine. When others don’t suppress, but rather share their emotions with them, some men become angry, frustrated, or dismissive.

At the root of the toxic masculinity norms that pervade society, these are the only emotions that men are permitted to display. Health science data shows that expressing one’s emotions is healthy. However, 80 per cent of males suppress their emotions. Only 23 per cent reported crying when feeling helpless whereas 58 per cent of women cried under similar circumstances. Women are five times more likely to cry and for longer. They also live at least five years longer than males. Gabriel Keczan is the Author of Alive On Purpose, Therapist, and  Men's Relationship  Coach. He helps men with their married game to rekindle desire, overcome relationship problems & avoid costly divorce. "What brings me alive is growth, human potential, beauty, and awakening genius." He is also the co-founder of the non-profit Sacred Pathways Foundation with a mission of restoring rites of passage services for boys using arts, nature & ceremony, and reviving warrior initiations for men. "I am the son of a Hungarian-Canadian chicken farmer & was raised with four sisters on the family farm in Beamsville, Ontario.  I have called the West Kootenay mountains home for 20 years and feel deeply connected with the mossy forests and pristine waters of the Columbia Basin."  He joined me this week to tell me more.

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