Let me ask
you a pivotal question about your work life.  Do you think you’d be more productive and
happier if you worked from home or remotely? 
The trend seems to be growing in popularity.  Mercer, an HR and workplace benefits consulting firm surveyed 800
employers. 94% of
these employers stated the work productivity was the same or higher since
employees started working from home. 


Meanwhile, Statistics Canada
reports: the vast majority of new teleworkers report being at least as
productive at home as they were in their usual place of work. Of all new
teleworkers, 90% reported being at least as
productive, i.e.
accomplishing at least as much work per hour at home as they did previously in
their usual place of work.

For over 25 years, Shane Spraggs has been
driving successful projects for a variety of notable media and software
start-ups and some of the world’s largest brands, including Disney. As CEO of
Virtira, Shane’s focus on productivity has generated immense value for their
Fortune 100 clients, and he plays a vital role in developing and implementing
cutting-edge systems and strategies that consistently boost the performance of
their remote-based teams. Shane is often praised for his ability to evaluate
complex organizational challenges and implement solutions that ensure
sustainable success with continuous oversight and improvement. He challenges
himself and the team at Virtira to constantly identify areas that will improve
productivity for their clients.

In 2023, Shane co-authored the best-selling book The Power of Remote, an
essential guide to modern team management. He joined me this week, to tell me



For more information: https://www.virtira.com/

Get the Book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Remote-High-Performing-Organizations-Workplace/dp/1955884447/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2TN4NNFOQRXE3&keywords=the+power+of+remote+cynthia+watson&qid=1662468453&sprefix=the+power+of+remote%2Caps%2C765&sr=8-1

LinkedIn: @ShaneSpraggs