Ed Eichhorn is the President of Medilink Consulting Group and the author of "Healing American Healthcare". He has worked in healthcare product and service development for many years, fundraised for multiple institutions of higher education, and helped found a successful medical testing company that operated for ten profitable years before being acquired. As a consultant, Ed advised multiple medical societies during the development of Obamacare. He has written editorials on universal healthcare for US New & World Report, Smerconish.com, and many other online publications. Together with his co-author, Dr. Michael Hutchinson, Ed has created a plan to provide quality care for all while saving $1 Trillion a year. A sought after speaker and consultant, Ed is looking forward to sharing information about healthcare policy and reform with podcast listeners across the country. He joined me this week to discuss the state of healthcare in America.  For more information: www.medilinkgroup.com LinkedIn: @EdwardEichhorn Visit: https://healingamericanhealthcare.org/ Buy the Book: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-American-Healthcare-Provide-Trillion/dp/1543951953Email Ed: [email protected]