Are you interested in maximizing your fullest personal or professional potential? All of us have a reason for being on planet earth. Things we were called to do. People we were meant to serve. Lives we were destined to impact. David Branderhorst is the Owner at Profectus Resources. Which helps entrepreneurs take their messages and gifts and grow them into successful businesses that change the world But none of this ever happens by accident. It is the result of careful planning, constant action, and daily strengthening of our skills and abilities. The best way to fulfill your life’s mission is to chart your own course. When you leave behind organizations that expect you to serve their mission and purpose, you create room for your own destiny. That’s what true freedom is all about and why I am so passionate about helping entrepreneurs Design, Launch and Grow businesses that create free cash flow and the ability to experience life in ways most can only dream of. Over the past decade, I’ve had the pleasure of creating multiple highly successful businesses generating millions of dollars in sales and won the 2 Comma Club award from ClickFunnels. He joined me this week to tell me more.

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LinkedIn: @David Branderhorst