Increasingly, many people in the U.S. and around the world identify as neurodivergent. Research suggests that up to 15-20% of the U.S. population is neurodivergent, according to Employer Assistance  Resource Network for Inclusion and Diversity. You likely know, work with and socialize with a significant number of people who are neurodivergent, including family members, coworkers, colleagues and friends. No two neurodivergent people are exactly alike. Thus, each neurodivergent person will bring a different set of skills and talents to the workplace and have different access and support needs. Danielle Sullivan is an autistic neurodiversity life coach, parent coach, and parent of two neurodivergent kids living in Colorado.

Danielle works with neurodivergent individuals and families worldwide on their personalized self-development goals.

Danielle also hosts the Neurodiverging Podcast, streaming wherever you get your podcasts. Our mission is to help neurodiverse folks and families find the resources we need to live better lives as individuals, and to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all our lives as part of the larger world community. She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:


Follow: @neurodiverging

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