What is a frustration in business?

'Frustration' of a contract occurs where circumstances beyond the control of the parties mean that the contract can no longer be performed. It may also be the case that the obligations under the contract have become radically different from those originally envisaged due to those prevailing circumstances.

Have you ever wondered how so many Entrepreneurs’ lives have become stagnant with seemingly no way to adapt or pivot their business?

What if you could now begin to truly understand how you could adapt your business whenever needed, regardless of the circumstances and uncertainty surrounding you?

Ken Attard is the founder of Mindset Malta.   

After successfully working with various clients over the span of 15 years, Ken now specializes as a Mindset Consultant specifically helping Frustrated Entrepreneurs to Adapt and Pivot using his proprietary Arc Method allowing them to have more free time, guaranteed.

Helping you shift your Mindset to create the results that you desire is without a doubt one if his biggest passions in life. He joined me this week to tell me more.
For more information: https://successfulentrepreneurnow.com/
Facebook: @MindsetMalta
LinkedIn @KenAttard