If you want to maintain and
develop business relationships in today's world, it is crucial that you use
email marketing as a tool to achieve this goal on a regular basis.

According to HubSpot, there
are 4 billion daily email users and 37% of brands are increasing their email

 Most marketers use mobile-friendly emails as a
part of their marketing strategy, and segmented emails are known to drive 30%
more opens and 50% more clickthrough’s than unsegmented ones.

Most marketers send 2-3
emails per day, and 12% send a weekly email. About 77% of marketers have seen
an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months, and smartphone users
prefer to receive brand communications via email.

 Testing your emails leads to higher ROI.

Tanya Brody is a Full-Stack
Direct Response Copywriter and Email Marketing Consultant, who has worked with
numerous marketing technology companies, information marketers, and other small
to medium-sized businesses to improve their email marketing and overall

Tanya helps business owners
write their regular nurture emails, so they can grow their relationships with
their subscribers, get more sales, and create happy, loyal customers. Tanya
believes that businesses of all sizes make two common mistakes: they either
don't have an email list or they collect email addresses but don't email their
subscribers regularly.

 This can lead to subscribers forgetting who
the business is when they send a sales email. Tanya emphasizes the importance
of sending regular nurture emails to build a strong relationship with
subscribers, so that they get the information and attention they need to be
willing to buy.

 Her goal is to educate business owners about
the significance of email marketing and to help them set up their email
campaigns for success.

For more information, please
visit https://tanyabrodycopywriter.com/.