Technology is
the spark we utilize to live effective and more efficient lives.  If we can also capitalize on it to feel more
secured and insured, then it’s a win and bonus we can all celebrate.   According to the Insurance Journal in 2022,
the estimated total number of independent property-casualty agents and brokers
in the U.S. stands at 40,000, an increase from 36,000 in 2020. 


For Steve Anderson this is particularly good news.  He’s   an expert in strategic risk and business
growth. Drawing on decades of experience in the insurance industry, he wrote
The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business-Like Amazon, which has
become a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestseller. With
hundreds of thousands of followers, Steve has been handpicked by LinkedIn as
one of the world's most influential thought leaders.


He provides people with a guide on the
key takeaways and principles that Bezos leveraged in turning an online
bookstore into a trillion- dollar company in just over two decades. The four
cycles -- Test, Build, Accelerate and Scale, along with the 14 Principles can
help any business grow like Amazon.  He
joined me this week to tell me more.


For more Information:

LinkedIn: @SteveAnderson

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