The one fundamental question you must ask yourself as an entrepreneur is are you confident in the direction of your business? Do you have self-limiting beliefs which stunt your ability for progress? Well, for entrepreneurs between 18-25 they report by a clip of 75% they are confident in the direction of their business. This compared to 53.5% of entrepreneurs between the ages 56-65. This according to intominds a site dedicated to studying the psychology of entrepreneurs. Peter Lynch is a business coach, speaker, and entrepreneur whose passion is to empower others to share their gift with the world. “I've battled suicidal depression as a teenager into my 20's.

I've experienced the dark side of influence used to manipulate and abuse in a cult... and in my family.

I've turned 2 businesses around from failure and built my own to success.

Now I am on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to succeed as true selves.

This goes deeper that mindset, it's about discovering WHO YOU ARE at the core of your being. And aligning everything you do with that.

Alignment brings success naturally... not easily, but naturally.

Most "gurus" are teaching hustle, that you have to DO MORE to succeed...

I teach peace. That you need to simply BE, you already have everything you need within you. It's about unlocking the latent potential.”

He discusses the power of alignment and how it can lead to incredible breakthroughs in business and life.” He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information:

LinkedIn: @PeterLynch

Instagram: @plhimself