Overall, 17% of U.S. adults say they have ever invested in, traded, or
used a cryptocurrency. This share is mostly unchanged from previous Pew Center
surveys conducted in 2021 and 2022. Tonya
M. Evans is a global leader, accomplished academic and administrator, renowned
speaker and crypto policy and education advisor, with over twenty years of
experience in law, academia, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Professor Evans currently serves as tenured Full Professor at Penn State
Dickinson Law School with a five-year co-hire appointment to the Penn State
Institute for Computational and Data Sciences to pursue her interdisciplinary
research. Her work focuses on the intellectual property, legal, regulatory,
policy, and economic justice implications of new technologies and innovation;
specifically, distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies and other
cryptographically secured digital assets including non-fungible tokens (NFTs),
decentralized finance (DeFi), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).  She joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://proftonyaevans.com/

Find out more: www.digitalmoneydemystified.com