Leaving a captivating yet hidden message, which leaves the reader wanting more, and inspired to adopt a sense of adventure is David Holcomb’s primary objective as an author.  He’s   a writer for sports illustrated during the day and by night he writes best selling books. As a self-published author, he’s published two books analyzing the James Bond and Terminator film series, "Will It Be Back"? and " His World Never Dies" Both can be found on Amazon and he’s working on a 3rd.

His third book will be his first novel.

He began his journey as an author late in 2018.  He published His World Never Dies: The Evolution of James Bond in June 2019 and then released Will It Be Back? The Rise & Fall of Terminator in April 2020."

He joined me this week to discuss his books, his love of writing, the Atlanta Falcons and so much more.

For more information: https://www.daveholcomb.net/

Twitter: @dmholcomb