Personal accountability is a personal investment in choice
we all have, the capability and wherewithal to determine which direction we
want our lives to go.  Regardless of the socioeconomic
circumstances we arise from. We have a personal responsibility to make the best
of our personal circumstances.  No one
knows this better than Thomas Guillen. He is a U.S. Army veteran and the CEO of
@trainedbytee. He now spends his days as a health and fitness coach focused on
personal development and accountability.


“A mindset learned through military, bodybuilding and
fatherhood has allowed me to cultivate a daily program that has saved me
through the darkest of times. With a vision to impact a million lives I share
life experiences and how to overcome the most ordinary problems that are sent
to derail individuals from their true higher calling. Preaching sobriety,
consistency and discipline are the fundamentals of my approach to helping you
tap into a mindset that will keep you strong in the darkest of times. Too often
men and women in this world give their self an escape through substance abuse
to not pursue becoming a person they admire. Strength is built through
restraint. Adhering to a daily program which includes physical activity,
nutrition and purpose driven action are going to be the corners stones of your
success. Unraveling universal laws will allow the people to recognize this
message is not fabricated, but rather sent from above.” He joined me this week,
to tell me more.

Instagram: @trainedbytee