Your identity is your ignitor and your commitment to yourself
is your fuel to endure.  If you decide to
procrastinate then you’re making a conscious choice to delay your contribution
to progress and potential we can all capitalize on.  Luckily according to CBS News:

 Most Americans are not procrastinators,
at least when it comes to how they view themselves. 69% of Americans say they
tend to think of themselves more as people who like to get things done right
away, rather than put off doing things. But just over a quarter of Americans –
27% - say they tend to put off doing things.


M. Twiggs is a founding partner and president of The What Now Movement. His
mission is to build high performing entrepreneurs, authors, and career
professionals, who are prepared for life’s unexpected curve balls.

He is the author of The Discipline of Now: 12 Practical
Principles to Overcome Procrastination. The Discipline of Now has been
recognized as a Global Top Ten Finalist for the 2020 Author Elite Awards in the
category of Best Self Help Book.

This recognition was based on the combination of the following
criteria: cover design, content, popularity, and social contribution.

Eric is also the host of a weekly inspirational podcast titled
"The 30 Minute Hour."

As a Certified Life & Business Coach, Eric has conducted
over 28,000 coaching sessions, helping executive leaders and entrepreneurs who
have moved from feeling frustrated, to finding fulfillment.

He has also led organizations of 500 or more people in corporate
America, and shared his message with corporations, associations, and
congregations across the country.

By reading The Discipline of Now, you will receive a proven
blueprint to beat procrastination, so that you make more money, get more done,
and feel more confident.  He joined me
this week to tell me more.


For more information:

Get the Book:
