Americans are in a negative mood about the current state of the
country, with large majorities expressing dissatisfaction with the economy and
overall national conditions. And when they look toward the not-too-distant
future, they see a country that in many respects will be worse than it is
today, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

Views of specific problems have also become more negative over
the past five years. For each of the four items included in the new survey,
Americans today are about 10 percentage points more likely to offer a negative
prediction than they were when asked to think about the year 2050 in a separate survey
conducted by the Center in 2018.
 For example, 77% of Americans
now expect the nation to be more politically divided in 2050 – up from 65% who
made that prediction five years ago.  One
man who may have some interesting viewpoints on this discussion is Rick Walker.
He’s  a proven leader across multiple
domains – business, global politics and philanthropy. He can meet people  where they are by discussing a variety of
highly complex topics and simplifying them into succinct messages for broad
understanding.  His experience includes
20+ years of being a CEO scaling a company to over 400 employees and a
non-profit to over 2,300 people, as well as being a former Congressional
Candidate. Rick can provide inside ib: - Lessons from Rick's Conversations with
the World's Most Power Leaders: A President, US Senators, Congressmen and
Billionaires - How Rick built his first company to 400 employees in his 20's, scaled
a global non-profit to 2,000+ team members in his 30's and now look to give
back in his 40's.  He joined me this week
to tell me more on how America can re-establish a common ground of

Follow: @rickwalkertx