Let me ask you a pertinent question about the commodity of
time.  How much of it do you invest in
your own personal development?  I pose
the question because the mental side of growth only occurs when you make a premium
investment in your own story. Because you see, life isn’t  a full time contract, it does eventually for
all of us have an expiration date.  Making
it a key facet of any life to maximize individual potential before you attempt
to satisfy any outside expectations.  For
Elite Mental, physical coach, and entrepreneur Owen Santos:


 “I was born unable to breath due to
severe asthma. Grew up on every sort of heavy medication known at the time,
couldn't run, couldn't play outside or anything "normal" kids were
doing. When I was 10, doctors said I would never play sports or have a normal
life. Even when I was "healthy" just getting out of breath would
cripple me. Then when I got sick, it was 10x worse and I would end up in the
hospital. I asked the doctor how to never see him again and he laughed at me,
told me he would see me every year. I committed wholly to never getting sick
again that day and started lifting weights, dropped sugar, and processed food
from my diet. Then dove into peak performance whole heartedly. At 10 years old.
This taught me a special kind of system. It helped me become a college
basketball player, elite salesperson, high level leader and builder of the
people I work with. The level of perspective that I now carry is the gift that
I was given. Lack of arrogance towards the opportunity we all have every day is
one of my favorite practices, to teach and topics to discuss. “ 

He joined me this week to tell me more.


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Instagram:  @olympusleaders