About 42% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight gain in the first year of the pandemic, with 29 pounds gained on average, a recent survey shows. There is a path to improved health through weight loss, and it starts by identifying the factors that led to weight gain.  According to Orlando health. For  Bryan Scudiere: “Unlike most men, I didn't have the traditional route. I dropped out of college at 20 to pursue sales and entrepreneurship.

And I gained my "degree" from years of failure.

After having risen to the top of a huge 70+ year old company I found myself exhausted, depressed, anxious, and seeking more.

This caused me to drink, take copious amounts of drugs, and party like you couldn't believe. All accompanied by the rise of dating apps - so I naturally gravitate to womanizing.

I was a real piece of shit. but I thought I was cool, because I was making a lot of money.

Eventually I met my wife by chance, literally after the second date I deleted all the apps and knew I'd marry her.

This was the start of my journey into finding fulfillment through commitment.

Later, my wife took a picture of me the day before I was about to be crowned the top dog in my sales company at the Year End Celebration banquet.. and I realized that I had put on 40+lbs in 2 years.

This shook me to my core, and I immediately got to work. After trying everything and yo-yo-ing for the first two years I finally dialed in and truly committed. Again finding fulfillment.

in 2020, I lost everything. all my financial security, and fell into the deepest hole I had ever been in. I had to reinvent myself. The only thing I could grasp onto as a foundation was my fitness. So I was working out in a musty parking garage with a jump rope, two dumbbells, and running.

I realized how much I could build who I am as a man through fitness. How much I could challenge myself, and how much o an allegory it can be to finding self discipline and respect.

I read it all, studying every night, finding all the different modalities. Eventually I figured it out. Cracked the code even. And found myself leveraging morning routines of cold exposure, hard exercise, and quality but disciplined eating as the basis of how I made all my decisions.

I stopped thinking about the aesthetics, and I started using the same principles in every area of my life. Leaning in during uncomfortable conversations with my wife.. that drew us closer.

Being the unbreakable rock for my wife during the first 8 weeks of the new born phase.

rebuilding my financial situation from the scratch.


I've since coached over 50 men in just 18 months into the best shape of their lives and help them rebuild and shift their identity using fitness as a cornerstone habit.” He joined me this week to tell me more.

For more information: https://www.unbreakabledads.com/

Instagram: @unbreakabledads