Alongside her husband Mike, Gaby Israel Grinberg is the co-founder of a remote B2B digital marketing agency, based in Minneapolis, MN. She started my company after a family crisis: the premature birth of my daughter Lana at 24-weeks in 2015. After losing her job shortly after her birth, the trauma of a NICU journey, the challenges that come with raising a child with medical needs, and my husband Mike losing his job when our daughter was shy of her 2nd birthday, they decided to forge ahead into entrepreneurialism and started a company with a family-first and people-centric viewpoint, inspired by all that we've been through. Her company Proofpoint Marketing specializes in digital strategy, marketing analytics, performance content and performance media. They help B2B tech companies know their customers and drive profitable growth. In addition to leading Proofpoint's Client Services and Marketing practices, and while not taking care of her daughter or spending time with her husband outside of work, Mike and Gaby also co-host a podcast called Mixing Business with Pleasure, in which we interview couples who also work and/or own a business together. She joined me this week to detail her compelling business and personal journey.  To learn more about Proofpoint Marketing you can visit