After 11 very eventful years as the Executive Director of the Boston Athletic Association, which conducts the Boston Marathon, Tom Grilk will step down after this year’s race. Years ago he told his wife that the stress of being an attorney was going to cause him to start drinking or start running. He picked running, which led to sub-3:00 marathons and his current post. He led the Marathon, the world’s greatest race, through extremes of hot and cold, and the bombing of 2013.  His take-aways include: You can’t afford not to exercise; we need to be together, and we need to help others – for our own sake; if you’re people are truly prepared, they’re ready to make decisions under pressure on the spot, and adapt to changing conditions; and finally, from General Patton: Don’t tell your people how to get there, just tell them where you need to go. They’ll find more ingenious ways to do it than you ever imagined. 


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