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Next Episode: Kill Me Now

Listen to Laura and Paisley's caffeinated whims about furry clocks, Lorelai's rodeo getup and that infamous pink tie-dye t-shirt. This episode covers Season 1 Episode 2 of Gilmore girls. 


On the Lorelais’ first day at Chilton, Lorelai Victoria Gilmore  oversleeps, due to her fuzzy clock not purring. A hardcore punctual person, Rory (Lorelai Leigh Gilmore) is upset and yelling the time every minute. Without her dry cleaning being picked up, Lorelai throws together cutoff shorts, a pink tie-dye tee and cowgirl boots to take Rory to Chilton. 

Upon arriving at the daunting building that is Chilton Preparatory Academy, Lorelai learns that she must go in with Rory to meet the Headmaster. Her ensemble turns heads in the wrong way among other parents, the Headmaster and Emily Gilmore, who took it upon herself to join the meeting. One head she turns the other way was Ian Jack, a divorced Chilton dad. Before finding the Headmaster’s office, they exchange small talk and Lorelai tells him where she works. 

After the rough start, Rory’s day doesn’t improve. She’s explained the harsh reality that she’s already behind and might not be cut out for Chilton after all. She encounters the Chilton version of mean girls, led by super smart and competitive Paris Gellar. Paris makes it clear that Rory will never beat her academically. Things worsen after Rory accidentally wrecks her project. Tristan, spends his day hitting on Rory and calling her Mary. Lorelai has an equally hard day, dealing with the whole town lecturing her about not dressing appropriately for Rory’s first day. After finally picking up her dry cleaning and making it to work, Ian arrives to ask her out. She has to contend with more issues with Emily. To end the terrible day, Lorelai arrives with coffee in hand to pick up Rory.

I’m the Man Who Murdered Love by XTC:

Greystone Mansion:

Salon which is really an Italian restaurant:
Restaurant's website:
Google Maps street view:,-118.3884189,3a,75y,177.18h,89.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssSHftrOoX_A1NQov2PS7jA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192