Have you ever been so angry with someone, that you found it hard to even look at them? 

Or maybe you don’t even see this person anymore, but you still keep thinking about them, fuming over what they've done to you? 

Or perhaps you are angry with yourself, feeling guilty over something you’ve done in the past, and now you keep beating yourself up about it? 

If so, then this episode is for you, as it is all about forgiveness. 

Now forgiveness is a process, and sometimes forgiveness happens in an instant, and sometimes it takes time, and that’s okay.  

I know from experience what an immense gift forgiveness is, as it releases us from the pain we’ve carried with us – a pain we’ve often carried for years.

So give yourself the greatest gift you can give – take the steps to heal deeply, so you can forgive yourself and others for any past wrong-doings.

This episode will give you a gentle introduction to forgiveness.