We live in unprecedented times, and right now fear is spreading all over the world, and the more we focus on this fear, the more the fear will grow, as whatever we give energy to increases.
And this is our choice point: Will we be part of this storm of fear, or will we step up and BE the lighthouse, be the one that extends our inner light to help those in need?
We can’t solve this crisis by being swept up by the storm. Then we just become like a shipwreck, and that won’t be good for anybody. So this is NOT the time to allow ourselves to panic.
Instead, this is the time to use all the healing tools we’ve learnt over the years, so we can flex our spiritual muscle and rise above the current fear-based thinking the world is engulfed in, so we can choose peace, instead of fear, trust instead of doubt - and where we ask Spirit: ‘How may I serve?'

In this episode I'll take you through healing process where you release fears and worries, and then I take you through a healing meditation where you connect more fully with Mother Earth, with Spirit and with your Divine Self, so you can be a source of light and healing. In this way you help to boost your physical and spiritual immune system, and you also help to strengthen our collective mind's immune system.

As you connect with Spirit, and you let your Divine Self guide you, then you start to shine from the light that is within you, so you can become a lighthouse that helps to guide others back home to this light, where they awaken to the truth of who they are - that they are divine creators, and that we are meant to come together and expand our consciousness, so we can find new ways of being in the world – where we live in harmony with our planet, with ourselves and with each other.